Tag Archives: exercise tips

How Your Wife Is Your Secret Weapon for Weight Loss

Discover how your better half can help you get healthier


Team up to slim down: You’re more likely to drop pounds if your wife or girlfriend is also making healthy changes with you, finds a new study from the U.K.

Researchers tracked couples for 4 years and found that when one person lost weight, the partner was three times more likely to follow suit than in pairs where the significant other stayed the same weight.

It worked for other lifestyle changes, too: People were more apt to quit smoking or exercise more if their partners did the same.

Buddying up improves your odds of success because you can inspire and encourage each other, as well as hold each other accountable, says study author Sarah Jackson, Ph.D., a researcher at University College London.

(And that’s not the only way she can help you. Discover The Fitness Secrets You Should Steal From Your Girlfriend.)

So if you want to shape up, enlist your better half and make a commitment to eat better and exercise together, Jackson suggests. Instead of binge-watching Netflix, bond over an activity like rock-climbing, cycling, or cooking nutritious meals (like this Incredible Tandoori-Spiced Salmon Recipe.

Single? Team up with friends, family, or even coworkers for the same effect, says Jackson. Ask them to join you for a healthier lunch break, go for a walk instead of smoking, or meet up at the gym after work.

Reference :  http://www.menshealth.com/

Common Health Affirmation


By eating an apple daily can keeps you a far away from a doctor,,,,,,


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Daily a glass of milk can save your bones….


Daily at least 8 glasses of water can save you from all kinds of disease.

Will You Live to 100?

Our four-step longevity predictor will help you assess your risk factors and get a clear view of your life expectancy

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Life expectancy for men in the U.S. is at an all time high. According to a report last year by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics, the average life span for a typical American male is 76.4 years. That’s a big leap from 100 years ago, when living to 52.5 was considered a good run.

But 76 probably isn’t enough for you. You want to go longer. Maybe not Moses long—who purportedly lived to 120—but at least to triple digits. Sound impossible? We’ve created a longevity predictor, examining your risk factors with a few simple tests and calculating your odds of defying statistics and sticking around longer than your grandfather could’ve dreamed of.

Stand yourself up


Nearly 28,000 Americans die from fall related injuries each year. Learning to fall (through tumbling drills) and then being able to get back up off the ground easily (with getup drills) is one of the most crucial skills you can learn and carry with you into old age, says Dan John, author of Intervention.

Our test: This one’s simple: stand up without anything but your feet touching the ground. Any use of the following is out-of-bounds: hands, knees, forearms or the sides of your legs. Sit down the same way. The key predictor here is stability not speed.

The scoring: Your starting score is 10. Each time you touch down with any of the above body parts as you sit, subtract one point. Do the same as you stand back up. A score of 8 or more will floor the reaper.

Your reward: Add 6 years.

Take a quantum leap

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Copenhagen researchers found that more lower-body muscle reduces your risk of heart disease. “Fast twitch muscle fibers are the fountain of youth,” says John. “The glutes, delts, triceps, and abs are all fast twitch muscles that come into play in a jump. Let them get weak and slow and you age overnight.” Indeed, this exercise gives you legs like pistons and a ticker that runs like a well-oiled machine.

Our test: Chalk your fingers and mark your maximum reach on a wall. Squat and jump, slapping the wall with your fingertips.

The scoring: Measure the gap between the marks: 20 to 26 inches is decent, over 30 gets you to Rio in 2016.

Your reward: Add 10 years.

Give cancer a slap


Your testosterone levels dictate the development of your fingers when you’re in the womb. And a new study of 4500 men by the British Journal of Cancer discovered that the relative lengths of your pointer and ring fingers can predict your risk of prostate cancer, a disease influenced by testosterone.

Our test: Lay your hand flat with your fingers straight. Check if your index finger is longer than your ring finger for the win.

The scoring: If your pointer goes the distance, you’re significantly less likely to develop the disease, according to the study. If it isn’t, don’t fret—check out cancer.org for prevention and monitoring tips.

Your reward: Add 3 years

Grip for dear life


If you want to hold on to mortality, a strong grip is more than just a metaphorical benefit. Your grip strength is the simple litmus test of your level of muscular wattage. The better it is, the more sturdy your muscle and the longer you’ll stay free from frailty.

Our test: Lie next to a cable weight stack set low. With shoulders on the floor and fingers under the grip, contract your hand, pulling the handle toward your palm.

The scoring: Try to pull between 135 and 150 pounds.

Your reward: If you can do it, congratulations. Add 4 years.

Reference: Men’s Health